Authentication Providers

The options available to associations to gate your content is dependent on your Customer Management System. Currently the following options may be used to gate content within the Virtual Y website.


Single Sign On (SSO)

You may require members to log into their account within the Personify CRM system.


Single Sign On (SSO)

You may require members to log into their account within the Daxko CRM system.

Note, Daxko API access is required. Daxko charges an API usage fee.

Barcode Validation

You may require members to enter their bar code before accessing the site. Virtual Y will validate the barcode with Daxko prior to granting access.

Set up Daxko Barcode Validation.


Single Sign On

You may require members to log into their account within the ReClique CORE CRM system.

CSV File Uploads

CSV Upload without email verification

An association may upload a membership CSV file indicating what members may access the gated content. Members provide their email address and the Virtual Y site will validate a match before granting access.

CSV Upload with email verification

An association may upload a membership CSV file indicating what members may access the gated content. Members provide their email address and the Virtual Y site will require members access their email and click a link to gain access to the gated content.

Last modified June 18, 2024: fix: Clean up broken links (7c72e95f)